19 edycja
Studenckiego Festiwalu Informatycznego
19 edycja
AI in Pop Culture and Science: Bridging the Gap between Imagination and Reality
Edycja: 18. Studencki Festiwal Informatyczny
Data: 31 marca 2023 12:20
Typ: Wykłady
Kategoria: AI & data
Język: Angielski
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a topic that has fascinated both Hollywood and the scientific community for decades. In this lecture, we will explore the world of AI and its depictions in selected books, movies and TV shows. We will examine some common themes and tropes that have appeared in popular culture, and compare these depictions with the current state of AI in science and technology, discussing the technologies that enable some of the AI methods presented in films, as well as the challenges and limitations of AI research and development.