
19 edycja

Studenckiego Festiwalu Informatycznego


19 edycja


Katerina Mangaroska

O mnie

Katerina Mangaroska holds the position of Associate Professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway. She achieved her Doctorate in Computer Science from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in 2021. Her scholarly pursuits revolve around emerging educational technologies aimed at enhancing human cognitive capabilities. These technologies empower individuals to transcend temporal and physical constraints, enabling novel modes of education consumption. In particular, she wants to build a more nuanced understanding of learning (i.e., what learners do) and learner behaviors, by investigating factors (e.g., contextual, cognitive, affective) that influence learning, particularly in technology-rich settings, where learning is associated with many aspects of human-computer interaction. Her methodological approach encompasses a diverse array of techniques drawn from machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data science. Primarily, Mangaroska’s research is rooted in learning analytics and computing education. Additionally, her academic interests span learning design, multimodal learning analytics, artificial intelligence in education, and human-computer interaction. Mangaroska is a Fulbright scholar.

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